Judge Carter Has Issued An Injunction





As you may have read in recent news articles, Judge Carter has issued an injunction (copy attached) requiring the City and County to provide alternate housing and humanely relocate approximately 7,000-8,000 persons living by freeways throughout LA County.  This is directly in line with what we have been advocating for and why we filed this suit: a dynamic shift in the way in which homeless are treated throughout the City and County.  We are advocating for cheaper, better, and faster shelter beds by the thousands throughout the county, so those who are experiencing homelessness have a place to go; this effort must be accompanied by a strong outreach effort with mental health workers and enforcement of our laws to ensure clean and safe streets and public areas for everyone.  The freeway-related injunction is a significant first step in that direction.

Both the County and City have proposed plans to address the injunction; however as is often the case, the devil is in the details, and the City and County are both considering appealing the order (to our knowledge, no final decision has been made).  The injunction (which will have observable consequences throughout the entire County) has re-ignited the traditional battle between the City and County of Los Angeles:  financial commitments to fund the plan, any plan.  This morning the City and County have requested that a “neutral” be appointed to mediate the financial responsibilities among them.  Quite unusual in a case where there are already three federal judges, two special masters and one magistrate.  However, any implementation of our lawsuit will require that we address the money issue – so the sooner the better.

I was advised today that there has been a 500% increase in violent crimes downtown. Much of this uptick is related to drugs.  You would think that companies who have built our downtown residential and commercial units, and who stand to lose on their investment, would come forward to assist us financially in our battle.  For the most part, they haven’t.  We are told this uptick is being seen throughout the County.

Through the efforts of our attorneys and a strong willed judge, we have made great strides in a matter of a few months.  I would like to make certain that we have the financial resources to keep up this fight.  Please reach out to friends throughout the county, and ask them to consider making a contribution to our effort.  Please contact Accounting@spertuslaw.com for wire instructions or send a check made out to Spertus, Landes, & Umhofer Client Trust Account, with the notation “Alliance” on it, to Accounting, 1990 S. Bundy Dr., Suite 705, Los Angeles, CA 90025.  As always, donations can be made anonymously.  For additional questions about the suit or fundraising, please contact myself or Hal Bastian at hal@halbastian.com.

Thank you for your continued support.


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